I am a person who loves to reflect. I always enjoy just going back and digging up past events in my head. That feeling of nostalgia is like no other.
However, I think sometimes when you think about the past too often, you tend to be stuck living in it as well. It's great to reflect, but you can't hold onto old memories too close. If your mind is stuck in the past how is it ever going to grow? Just thinking that like in all things in life, you just gotta have a balance. It's okay to reflect, but be caught reflecting all time. Go out and make new memories instead of spending all your time thinking about old ones.
Sometimes though its good to remember, and sometimes its better to forget. Get out there and enjoy life!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
the music in me
I am kind of OCD when it comes to music. Whenever I hear a song I am addicted to I have it on repeat until my ears bleed. There's really no point in even sending me new music when I'm lovin a particular song. However, once in a blue moon, when werewolves (Team Jacob?) come out I stumble upon a song that I have to listen to no matter what. A put on headphones listen while trying to sleep just so it rings in your head all night king of song.
Arcade Fire - Wake Up
I am a few years too late, but at least I found it. I love you Arcade Fire, just for this song.
In other news, there is music inside me. I have again begun a new job, thx in part to an old friend who really helped me out. I don't really wanna go into detail, but I started on Thursdays and now have had two whole days under my belt. It's made me realize a few things, first that I should never take things for granted and continue to work hard, and second that even though there are other jobs for me out there I should never pass up a good opportunity. So a new chapter begins.
Give me strength, give me uncertainty, give me curiosity, give me hope, and give me a beer.
- boomb00m
Arcade Fire - Wake Up
I am a few years too late, but at least I found it. I love you Arcade Fire, just for this song.
In other news, there is music inside me. I have again begun a new job, thx in part to an old friend who really helped me out. I don't really wanna go into detail, but I started on Thursdays and now have had two whole days under my belt. It's made me realize a few things, first that I should never take things for granted and continue to work hard, and second that even though there are other jobs for me out there I should never pass up a good opportunity. So a new chapter begins.
Give me strength, give me uncertainty, give me curiosity, give me hope, and give me a beer.
- boomb00m
Monday, October 4, 2010
it must be the Shoes
I saw this video a few months ago but I recently saw a commercial with the same song and it reminded me of this. Such a cool video, and the song ain't too shabby either. I especially like the end, with the bucket list and all.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
gogo gadget
Technologic, yes?
What did we ever do before access to the internet? I don't even remember. For example I used to read the LA Times every morning when I ate my cereal, yes even when I was a youngster. I know what your thinking like damn this guy is cultured and book learned and shit. Truth is the only section I read was the Sports section, but still I skimmed other sections and was updated on all things they reported on. My dad still orders the LA Times but I really don't remember the last time I touched it.. yet I am more up to date on sports than ever before.
The internet opens up an entire medium for us, expanding and broadening our perspectives. Don't get me wrong, the LA Times has great writers, but with the internet now I can get views and opinions from like 20 different writers on the same subject. If each has one good point on the matter, I will have left with so much more knowledge than if I had only read the Times.
However, it also opens us up to stupid views and ideas as well. At least if I read that Asians eat a lot of rice in the paper I know it's a credible source. But I mean I could read something on a random site like Asians: Invented Bread and go around telling everyone how awesome it is that my ancestors invented bread and shit like that. Or wait.. I think I will go around telling everyone that Asians did invent bread..
Kids today grow up playing with xbox360's, and iPads. Man I had to play with stupid shit like plastic soldiers and giant lego blocks. Kidding aside though, sometimes I do miss the simpler days. I would sit around with that crazy imagination of mine playing with all my toys. Then I would finish up my awesome play sesh with a fruit by the foot. I wonder what I will allow my kid's to play with when I grow up. Perhaps a stone wheel, topped off with a string.
Well, I blabblered on and on and on. I depart with this message to you, and yes I mean YOU. This was actually my senior book quote from high school, so it's mad deep and inspirational.
"Holy strawberries Batman, we're in a real jam!"
- boomb00m
What did we ever do before access to the internet? I don't even remember. For example I used to read the LA Times every morning when I ate my cereal, yes even when I was a youngster. I know what your thinking like damn this guy is cultured and book learned and shit. Truth is the only section I read was the Sports section, but still I skimmed other sections and was updated on all things they reported on. My dad still orders the LA Times but I really don't remember the last time I touched it.. yet I am more up to date on sports than ever before.
The internet opens up an entire medium for us, expanding and broadening our perspectives. Don't get me wrong, the LA Times has great writers, but with the internet now I can get views and opinions from like 20 different writers on the same subject. If each has one good point on the matter, I will have left with so much more knowledge than if I had only read the Times.
However, it also opens us up to stupid views and ideas as well. At least if I read that Asians eat a lot of rice in the paper I know it's a credible source. But I mean I could read something on a random site like Asians: Invented Bread and go around telling everyone how awesome it is that my ancestors invented bread and shit like that. Or wait.. I think I will go around telling everyone that Asians did invent bread..
Kids today grow up playing with xbox360's, and iPads. Man I had to play with stupid shit like plastic soldiers and giant lego blocks. Kidding aside though, sometimes I do miss the simpler days. I would sit around with that crazy imagination of mine playing with all my toys. Then I would finish up my awesome play sesh with a fruit by the foot. I wonder what I will allow my kid's to play with when I grow up. Perhaps a stone wheel, topped off with a string.
Well, I blabblered on and on and on. I depart with this message to you, and yes I mean YOU. This was actually my senior book quote from high school, so it's mad deep and inspirational.
"Holy strawberries Batman, we're in a real jam!"
- boomb00m
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
X Marks The Spot
Just a short update.
There is buried treasure all around you. Even if your day sucks just think about this. Re-evaluate what's important in your life, because nothing should be taken for granted. Don't be looking to the next person and be saying things like oh their so lucky etc. but just close your eyes and think. Think of your parents, think of your youth, sad to say but those things won't be around forever. One day you will think back and miss the way your mom nagged you all the time, or getting yo drink on with your friends.
So let's all take a deep breathe and appreciate the things we have in life. Nothing last forever, for example just looking back on high school there are plenty of things I miss. I miss getting curly fries for lunch, and hash browns for breakfast, I miss school dances and all the things me and my friends did for fun that was alcohol free. I mean if you have a more positive outlook in life, you'll be enjoying it that much more. And the memories you shall have will that much more memorable. So here's to making the best of what we've got.
Cheers, and enjoy.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Dem Funbags
I know I've been neglecting this blog, which I created so I could write in often about anything that came to my mind. Even though I haven't written in this for quite a long time tonight is a different story, because tonight I feel it, the imaginative juices are flowing. I am ready to blow your mind with another great food for thought-thought.
Tonight, I ask the great question, do girl's ever feel insecure about their boobies size? I mean I could imagine being a girl, ya know just like totally chillin on the beach in my cute new top and then I look to my right and there's this girl with big ol' boobies. They do like juicy, and now I'm all like oh daym look at her chest and shet. I mean this is a seriously honest question, cause I've seen other girls like compliment other girls on their nice boobies and there's like no bad blood, but for all I know that's all just a front cause when you close the blinds it's all "that stupid betch I fuckin hate her, like did you see how she was all flirting with Joe and shit what a skank".
I mean there isn't any guy equivalent we have to compare to. I mean we don't stare at the bulge in each others shorts and compliment the dude like "yoooo bro your package is MEATY!" and shit like that. Cause I mean girls be all insecure about all types of shit, so boobies size could easily be on that list. A nice rack is a nice rack ya heard?
However, for guys I mean there is no preference. So there really isn't that much to worry over if I was a girl. I mean there's guys who like skinny chicks, there's guys who like chicks who got a little junk in the trunk so same goes with boobies. So with boobies, I mean some guys like the whoppers, and some guys like the whopper jr. I mean I guess it all goes with "In somebody's eyes, you are beautiful" way of putting things.
Anyways, that was what I randomly thought of tonight, interesting yes? Ah, one of the many mysteries of the universe brought to light by me once again.. or not. I hope I can keep writing and not get lazy. Take it easy universe, and yes bro yo package is so damn meaty.
Tonight, I ask the great question, do girl's ever feel insecure about their boobies size? I mean I could imagine being a girl, ya know just like totally chillin on the beach in my cute new top and then I look to my right and there's this girl with big ol' boobies. They do like juicy, and now I'm all like oh daym look at her chest and shet. I mean this is a seriously honest question, cause I've seen other girls like compliment other girls on their nice boobies and there's like no bad blood, but for all I know that's all just a front cause when you close the blinds it's all "that stupid betch I fuckin hate her, like did you see how she was all flirting with Joe and shit what a skank".
I mean there isn't any guy equivalent we have to compare to. I mean we don't stare at the bulge in each others shorts and compliment the dude like "yoooo bro your package is MEATY!" and shit like that. Cause I mean girls be all insecure about all types of shit, so boobies size could easily be on that list. A nice rack is a nice rack ya heard?
However, for guys I mean there is no preference. So there really isn't that much to worry over if I was a girl. I mean there's guys who like skinny chicks, there's guys who like chicks who got a little junk in the trunk so same goes with boobies. So with boobies, I mean some guys like the whoppers, and some guys like the whopper jr. I mean I guess it all goes with "In somebody's eyes, you are beautiful" way of putting things.
Anyways, that was what I randomly thought of tonight, interesting yes? Ah, one of the many mysteries of the universe brought to light by me once again.. or not. I hope I can keep writing and not get lazy. Take it easy universe, and yes bro yo package is so damn meaty.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
i'm not gunna lie..
.. i barely have anything to write about. i don't consider things that happen in my life interesting enough to warrant a blog entry. i'm no j.k. rowling. i can't twist my simple stories into exciting tales of fiery goblets. what i can -and usually- do is write random ass shiet.

meet my baby chews. he is just about four years old. this is a picture of him i just took as he woke up and has his lil' tongue stickin' out. yesterday he had his tongue sticking out for different reasons. he was horn ballin' it all over my room humping everything that he could wrap his legs around. his nick name is peter north. honestly, for a little yorkie his size, chewy's (peter north's) redonkulous is pretty damn big. like you can't even begin to understand how big it gets when he's horn ballin' it. i'll posts pix of those later

anygays, speaking of having no stories that qualify in having a blog entry, i think i got one! ahem.. okay. one time chewy had this RAGING BONER that was like UNCONTROLLABLE! unfortunately for chewy, it was so massive that even though he wasn't feeling lucky anymore, his Goku couldn't fit back into his sheath. unfortunately for me, i had to fix that.. with my bare hands. honestly, it was like wrestling a 15 ft. anaconda on oil. after trading a few blows and cutting my upper eyelid off due to swelling, i managed to knock his Jackie Chan down on the 9th round.
Updation Penetration
So pretty much I got my ass kicked by LIFE. And by life I mean 25 to life.. anyways what to do next is to hunker down and move on. No this is not anything girlfriend or romance related so please don't view me as the emo ass Romeo type. Although Juliet be lookin mighty fine.
Anyhow, to kick off moving on I have requested Netflix send me the big, the bad: Big Fish, which I just got from the mailbox and will be watching tonight.
It's been awhile since I've seen it but I do remember it being very magical, and Ewan Mcgregor's eyes... so dreamy. Aside from that I really don't remember anything about the movie so I'm pretty excited about watching it. I do remember that in high school it was one of my favorite movies, but that was like...... 9 years ago? Wow I was pretty dumb back then so we'll see if I'll still enjoy the movie today.
In my last blog I did say I would write an emo post about how awesome it was spending 3 weeks in Jersey with some of my coolest amigos. I'm sorry to say I am sad but not THAT sad. But it's probably because with the great advancements in technology we are all videochatting and emailing and using smoke signals to stay in touch. Man that was a fun trip though, more adventures hopefully to come this upcoming winter when the asian version of the Jersey Shore cast come to Cali to stay at mi casa.
I bid thee great wealth and prosperity.
Anyhow, to kick off moving on I have requested Netflix send me the big, the bad: Big Fish, which I just got from the mailbox and will be watching tonight.
It's been awhile since I've seen it but I do remember it being very magical, and Ewan Mcgregor's eyes... so dreamy. Aside from that I really don't remember anything about the movie so I'm pretty excited about watching it. I do remember that in high school it was one of my favorite movies, but that was like...... 9 years ago? Wow I was pretty dumb back then so we'll see if I'll still enjoy the movie today.
In my last blog I did say I would write an emo post about how awesome it was spending 3 weeks in Jersey with some of my coolest amigos. I'm sorry to say I am sad but not THAT sad. But it's probably because with the great advancements in technology we are all videochatting and emailing and using smoke signals to stay in touch. Man that was a fun trip though, more adventures hopefully to come this upcoming winter when the asian version of the Jersey Shore cast come to Cali to stay at mi casa.
I bid thee great wealth and prosperity.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
where i've been & where i'm going
So I've been residing in beautiful New Jersey for the past 2 weeks. I will still be here for almost another week when I return to California this Friday. I don't really feel like filling you on every detail about my trip since it's about my 10th time visiting New Jersey/New York (not joking) so I'll just tell you about stuff I enjoyed about this particular trip. Can't really put into words how much I've been loving this trip, it has definately been a blast from the past since my last visit was more than 2 years ago. My friends here are awesome, cannot say that enough..
New Jersey is pretty much an entirely different world than California. Even though it's still in America, it just feels different being here. I feel that life here is a bit slower, a little more quiet and serene then back home. Here are some random differences I have noticed.
New Jersey is pretty much an entirely different world than California. Even though it's still in America, it just feels different being here. I feel that life here is a bit slower, a little more quiet and serene then back home. Here are some random differences I have noticed.
- The suburbs here have a sort foresty feel and there's a lot of deer that actually run around, so with your car you can play target practice
- It's illegal to pump your own gas, there is actually a guy who fills up your gas for you, AND you don't have to tip him
- The pizza is always delicious, guidos sure know how to make it right
- It rain's a lot, and randomly in the summer
- The horrible humidity, Lil Jon said it best "till the sweat drips from my.. balls.."
- Lack of all things Asian, like food, people, wannabe wangsters
- I ate the greatest burger ever from a place called Five Guys, only to realize that I won't be able to eat it once I return then discovering that I actually can since there are some locations in Los Angeles
- Instead of numerous boba places, they have Dunkin Donuts on every single corner
- Cigarettes are like 8 bucks a pack (Not that I smoke) in NJ, and 12 bucks in NY!
My agenda for my trips to the East Coast are always just to chill and hang out with my friends and never really about sight-seeing. I've seen the sights, been there, done that. This has become more of like a second home for me. When I come here, I know what's good to eat, I know who to call up to hang out with, and I know where to go to have fun. And just like back home in Cali, sometimes I discover something new to eat, somewhere new to have fun, etc. It only makes me sad that I can only visit this home of mine once every so often. My next post will probably be in my post-trip saddened emo state, so look forward to that. As for now, I still have till Friday!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Wildest True Story Ever
Alright, usually I try to write stuff that tickles the mind, but not today. Today I will tell you the weirdest true story that can actually happen when you are sitting at home in Walnut on a Wednesday night in the middle of July.
So I've pretty much been using my laptop outside in the living room where the fire place is, cause my room is too small it becomes a sauna in the summer. At night my parents turn off the a/c so I gotta migrate to a large room where I can open the windows to air my pits. Anyways I'm sitting in the living room, and I keep hearing this tiny crunching sound. I think it's coming from the stack of wood my mom keeps next to the fireplace that she never burned in the winter (my mom loves to use the fireplace, and yes she burns real wood - global warming but don't worry we recycle a lot). Anyhow, I'm looking at this stack of wood, and for the last few days I keep imagining these crunching noises coming from it. Tonight on July 14, well 15th cause it's 2 am, I get up to check and long behold I see a lil pile of wood dust at the bottom. What is that you ask, well I know, it's fucking TERMITES. This is because my house has been fumigated before, along with my entire street because these little bitches eat every piece of wood they can get a hold of, no homo.
So here I'm sitting.. thinking about what the fuck to do with a pile of wood at 2 am that is being eaten by termites. I could throw it away in the Green garbage can where all trees and shrubs go, but I think those little critters might scheme and concoct some sort of prison escape and continue eating wood. I think of the next best plan..... Light the fireplace. Here I run away to cool off, to only end up turning on the fireplace.
There is already a bunch of wood in the fireplace, so I have to burn that first before I can burn the little bitches. After burning what was a pretty big pile in the span of 15 minutes, I prepare my feast of barbeque insects. The pile of wood is large enough to take up the entire fireplace, so I pick it up and hurl it all in. The fireplace is already burning hot and here I am right in front of it trying to stack all the wood inside so it would all burn at once. I finally manage to fit all the wood in, and pretty soon the fire is so crazy I could feel the energy emitting out towards me. This fire is fucking HUGE.
Then it hits me.. what the fuck am I doing. How stupid would I be if I burned the house down, in the middle of July, by using the fireplace. I end up running back and forth with a giant vase throwing water on this inferno trying to keep it under wraps so that my house doesn't burn to the ground. I am sweating my balls off at this point, it looks like I just took a shower. A whole hour of wood burning later, FINALLY, the wood is mostly burnt and the fire starts to die.
But now I'm pretty mad at my mom. Doesn't she know that fumigating the house sucked ass, cause we had to move out all our clothes and shiet to go live at a hotel for a few days only a few miles away. Then a few years later she sents a facebook invite to all the termites to come have a party again at our house. I wanna tell her about what I just did, the whole debacle.. only my mom isn't home. Where is my mom at 3 am on July 15h. My mother is on a plane, flying to...... NORTH CAROLINA. I really hope your laughing at this point, cause I even can't believe how this story is coming along. So now I'm waiting because in about 30 minutes at 4 am I can call my mom when her plane lands in North Carolina (her friends have a house out there and their going to vacation up and down the east coast for the next two weeks) at 7 am eastern time.
Well.. there you have it, that's the story I had to blog about because it was so damn interesting.
So I've pretty much been using my laptop outside in the living room where the fire place is, cause my room is too small it becomes a sauna in the summer. At night my parents turn off the a/c so I gotta migrate to a large room where I can open the windows to air my pits. Anyways I'm sitting in the living room, and I keep hearing this tiny crunching sound. I think it's coming from the stack of wood my mom keeps next to the fireplace that she never burned in the winter (my mom loves to use the fireplace, and yes she burns real wood - global warming but don't worry we recycle a lot). Anyhow, I'm looking at this stack of wood, and for the last few days I keep imagining these crunching noises coming from it. Tonight on July 14, well 15th cause it's 2 am, I get up to check and long behold I see a lil pile of wood dust at the bottom. What is that you ask, well I know, it's fucking TERMITES. This is because my house has been fumigated before, along with my entire street because these little bitches eat every piece of wood they can get a hold of, no homo.
So here I'm sitting.. thinking about what the fuck to do with a pile of wood at 2 am that is being eaten by termites. I could throw it away in the Green garbage can where all trees and shrubs go, but I think those little critters might scheme and concoct some sort of prison escape and continue eating wood. I think of the next best plan..... Light the fireplace. Here I run away to cool off, to only end up turning on the fireplace.
There is already a bunch of wood in the fireplace, so I have to burn that first before I can burn the little bitches. After burning what was a pretty big pile in the span of 15 minutes, I prepare my feast of barbeque insects. The pile of wood is large enough to take up the entire fireplace, so I pick it up and hurl it all in. The fireplace is already burning hot and here I am right in front of it trying to stack all the wood inside so it would all burn at once. I finally manage to fit all the wood in, and pretty soon the fire is so crazy I could feel the energy emitting out towards me. This fire is fucking HUGE.
Then it hits me.. what the fuck am I doing. How stupid would I be if I burned the house down, in the middle of July, by using the fireplace. I end up running back and forth with a giant vase throwing water on this inferno trying to keep it under wraps so that my house doesn't burn to the ground. I am sweating my balls off at this point, it looks like I just took a shower. A whole hour of wood burning later, FINALLY, the wood is mostly burnt and the fire starts to die.
But now I'm pretty mad at my mom. Doesn't she know that fumigating the house sucked ass, cause we had to move out all our clothes and shiet to go live at a hotel for a few days only a few miles away. Then a few years later she sents a facebook invite to all the termites to come have a party again at our house. I wanna tell her about what I just did, the whole debacle.. only my mom isn't home. Where is my mom at 3 am on July 15h. My mother is on a plane, flying to...... NORTH CAROLINA. I really hope your laughing at this point, cause I even can't believe how this story is coming along. So now I'm waiting because in about 30 minutes at 4 am I can call my mom when her plane lands in North Carolina (her friends have a house out there and their going to vacation up and down the east coast for the next two weeks) at 7 am eastern time.
Well.. there you have it, that's the story I had to blog about because it was so damn interesting.
Monday, July 12, 2010
some deep shiz
man. i've been dropping the ball on this blog. dan's been divulging all of his discoverations and inspectations while i do nada. i'd say ima throw in my 3¢ more often but that would be an outrageous lie. man that cent sign is cool. i googled that shit. ima whip out the chalkboard and learn you huxtables a thing or two. if you hit alt 0162 you can pop that puppy out.
speaking of puppies, i wanted to make a clothing brand that used the ¢ sign as its logo. all these clothing companies are always selling people with their logos and shiz. moose, crocodile, some dude on a pony. well fuck that, ima alt 0162 that shiz. and sell it for 100 bucks. what's sad is if that clothing brand gets poppin', people will be spending mad bills for a cent sign. it'll directly compete with billionaire boys club. you'll find my clothes in the bourgeoisie aisle in walmart.
speaking of pregnant women, i came on this blog expecting to try and write a serious post. i dunno if i have that in me, man.. i can't keep on the same topic for more than 3 lines. okay.. ima really try to write something deep and profound. get all anthropological (wow thats a real word) on you folks. but not now, maybe next time. in the year twenty five twenty five
Sunday, July 11, 2010
All Grown Up
Do you ever find yourself thinking, "man it would be awesome to travel back in time and be able to fix all my stupid mistakes." I wish for it all the time, I would love to go back and tell little Dan to watch out for the thousands of girls who will ambush him and that even though this may sound awesome this would stop somewhere around high school once the girls realize how much of an idiot he is. I always thought it was be great to be able to go back in time and live a life free of regret and remorse.
However, this all changed when I watched a movie this weekend. In the movie, these two guys who are best friends end up not speaking with one another for years, until finally they break the silence when they learn one of them has a terminal disease. One guy brings up that he wished he could change the last few years between them. But the guy who is dying says that he wouldn't have wanted to change a single thing. Why? Well, because if he were to change the circumstances then things would've turned out differently and they wouldn't have realized the importance of their friendship and to cherish the time they still had. Simply put, you live and you learn. Through our mistakes we grow, often opening your eyes to things we may not have noticed before. Here are two friends who found out that good times are limited and to never take time you have with loved ones for granted.
So now, I realize that a DeLorean time machine may not be the answer to all my problems. I wouldn't be as wise as I am today, or if you don't think I am an the best thing since sliced bread than keep in mind I might've turned out to be an even bigger imbecile for never learning from my many mistakes. And I was just kidding about being a chick magnet, cause girls found out I was an idiot way before high school.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sky's ^ Limit
As always the late nights got me thinkin. I've come to the realization that we're not all meant to do great things. Looking through facebook right now, I noticed there are a few people who are in fact doing great things, but for the majority of the population that ain't gonna happen. I guess it's nothing bad, it's just maybe a little hard to swallow for some?
I mean we all grow up wishing, hoping we'd do something awesome, like become an astronaut, or professional athlete. But how many astronauts and professional athletes do you know? And I'm not saying since we're not doing something awesome that we're all some sort of failure. What I am saying is that we are all gigantic failures.. just kidding.
The fact of the matter is that not all of us are destined for true greatness. However, greatness is what we all aim for. We have to aim for the stars or else we'd never be pushing ourselves. In the end, as long as you love life, and end up doing something you love, that's what greatness is all about baby. Not all of us are going to be rockstars, but tons of us will become musicians. Not all of us will play professional football, but tons of us will coach high school football. So here's to us all, falling somewhat below greatness, which is still great.
I mean we all grow up wishing, hoping we'd do something awesome, like become an astronaut, or professional athlete. But how many astronauts and professional athletes do you know? And I'm not saying since we're not doing something awesome that we're all some sort of failure. What I am saying is that we are all gigantic failures.. just kidding.
The fact of the matter is that not all of us are destined for true greatness. However, greatness is what we all aim for. We have to aim for the stars or else we'd never be pushing ourselves. In the end, as long as you love life, and end up doing something you love, that's what greatness is all about baby. Not all of us are going to be rockstars, but tons of us will become musicians. Not all of us will play professional football, but tons of us will coach high school football. So here's to us all, falling somewhat below greatness, which is still great.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Our Swagz
It's funny how growing up, we all try to wear what everyones wearing to be cool. Then we shift on to nicer brands, nicer clothes. And now, what's cool isn't cool? Suddenly what everyones wearing is NOT cool and blazing a different path is the cool thing. Hm.. very interesting.
So it's like when we're little, being different was horrible. You did NOT want to be that kid that didn't fit in. You had to die for Nikes since everyone was wearing Nikes but you ended up with Reeboks, ouch. Now that we're grown up though, since everyone has Nikes, Nikes would be lame as hell and you rather have the Reeboks.
But.. is going out and doing your own thang, really doing your own thang? For all we know, when we grow up, we will have to wear what all the appropriate mommy and daddy clothes, cause that would be the cool thing to do. Imagine your a mom and all the other mom's are wearing very conservative clothing but instead you say fuck it and instead choose to go with the short skirt and cut off tank top. Oh how your kids will be tormented by their peers.. Or your the dad that dresses like a kid, while all the other dad's are rockin casual dress shirts and polos. Uh oh.
I just find it interesting all the trends we go through, and even your current choice of trend will probably change soon enough. I'm curious if any of those goth or punk kids ever look back and think to themselves how awesome they once dressed.
So it's like when we're little, being different was horrible. You did NOT want to be that kid that didn't fit in. You had to die for Nikes since everyone was wearing Nikes but you ended up with Reeboks, ouch. Now that we're grown up though, since everyone has Nikes, Nikes would be lame as hell and you rather have the Reeboks.
But.. is going out and doing your own thang, really doing your own thang? For all we know, when we grow up, we will have to wear what all the appropriate mommy and daddy clothes, cause that would be the cool thing to do. Imagine your a mom and all the other mom's are wearing very conservative clothing but instead you say fuck it and instead choose to go with the short skirt and cut off tank top. Oh how your kids will be tormented by their peers.. Or your the dad that dresses like a kid, while all the other dad's are rockin casual dress shirts and polos. Uh oh.
I just find it interesting all the trends we go through, and even your current choice of trend will probably change soon enough. I'm curious if any of those goth or punk kids ever look back and think to themselves how awesome they once dressed.
Woof woof!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
My Date w/ Fate
So I was walking to my room the other week, and I had a crumpled receipt in my hand. As I reached my door, a great idea came to me, I will make a wish and then proceed to shoot this receipt into my trash can on the other side of the room. I mean this is serious business, I'm not gonna tell you what I wished for but it ain't no Mickey Mouse son. Ain't no Mickey Mouse. Anyways, so I shot it, missed pretty bad.. and it hit the top of my chair, bounced a few times, and fell into the trash can.
I was.... so amazed at what just occurred. What does this mean?!? It must be meant to be. Btw I wished for..
I was.... so amazed at what just occurred. What does this mean?!? It must be meant to be. Btw I wished for..
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Pure Imagination
So I don't know if you noticed, but at the bottom of this blog in bold letters is "Pure Imagination" and the lines "come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination." Well if you haven't noticed scroll down and take a look. That was one of the first things I wrote when I started this blogger jazz. I knew it sounded familiar when I saw it in an AT&T commercial.
Well, check out the videos below to see where I got it from, if you don't know by now.
Doesn't hearing that just make you happy?
Well, check out the videos below to see where I got it from, if you don't know by now.
Doesn't hearing that just make you happy?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Un Gato Pantalones Me Gusta
I know, my Spanish is deadly, fear it. Anyways, this blog now has a total of 5 followers. I mean two of them are Me and Chris, but thats cause we so coo we can be fans of our own work. Me and Chris are like celebrity status now, pretty soon we're gonna look to adopt a child from a third world country and name him Cash Money.
Besides all that madness, what do I feel like blogging about today? I don't know, except I do know, and that's because I know you know what I know, and what I know that you know that I know is this..
Bazinga! Sorry I'm pretty beat.. and my mind shit out awhile ago. I do however wanted to dedicated this very personal blog to our numba one fan Ms. Naiching Liu.
And in her honor:
Chuck is the best show, watch it. Do it. Goodbye, and farewell.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
so instead of lookin' for jobs, i be hurr writing another blog entry. shiet, i wished this blog was bumpin' where google wants to riddle us with advertisement. after working for apple yo, my standards for applying to places have been shifted too high. on top of that, i be one lazy ass dude. all i do these days is find new music and zap zap with muh boo, d vu. i can do that for the rest of my life. but enough about me, what about you? fuck you, i don't care. i know yo, i got mad jokes, my b.
ima spice this joint up with the arts. i had to stare at a few art pieces for half an hour and then write about my deep and profound experiences with it. i'm not much of an art lovin' huxtable, i just like doing shit for my own pleasures. but i found this shiz right here pretty coo. it's by jen stark.

i think it's pretty tight. i like stuff thats super simple but has complexity, nah mean? ima hook up some muzaq, too. right now, i be loving this dude Bullion. he makes beats hot like fire. my music taste ain't very commercial friendly, but i like what i like yah heard? check this dude out.
Friday, June 4, 2010
I had a whole post written on what my plans are for the next few weeks, but I decided it's irrelevant. This is just to remind myself to do it. DO IT, for me to finally take things seriously. And no, this doesn't concern a girl.. if that's what your thinking this is more of a personal decision. I am.. going to come out of the closet, justtt kidddddd I did that years ago. Anyways, to the millions of fans reading this, wish me luck, give me strength, and hope for the best. And no I am not homosexual, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I sure am homosexual for my main man Chris Cao (who by the way is the co-author of this awesome blog).
Monday, May 31, 2010
happy memorial day..
... bitches and hoes! i'm gunna be honest, i have no idea what i'm going to write in this post. i just felt i've been lacking participation in this blog. dan's posts are always so poetic and cohesive while i'm here just writing random shiet that has no significance or won't make you think about it after you're done reading. but who knows, maybe i'll find something interesting to talk about..
hmm.. why not talk about memorial day? just kidding, i don't care about the rich historical context of holidays. i'm that dude that don't care about much, thus, my lack of things to talk about. i digress. hah, i just wanted to use that one day to sound like a smarty pants. i can't even digress if i wanted to, i don't even have a topic or any direction going for this post.
i was going to post some pics of my latest artworks and sheez but i think i lost my flash drive/thumb drive/jump drive. catch what i'm saying? maybe i can get it from muh skoo if.. i ... just .. remote access... the lab computers... and.. just a little more..

well there you have it. this is the poster that i slaved on for days upon days with constant revisions. i personally like it, it's an overdose of simplicity. i have other stuff but, those need to be scanned or snip snapped. perhaps another day when i'm not a complete bum, i'll put up some more stuff.
i'm trying really hard to write more stuff so i can have enough words to match the length of this picture but damn, i just want to end this post already (edit: things came out a lot dif from the preview..). hmm hmmm hmm.. well i'm about to eat some motha fuckin' hot fritos. imported directly from the motherland. i mean california. new jersey just don't got the demographic to handle spicy chips. motha chupa cabras.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Everything is better when its au naturale, right? Do we enjoy food thats natural, or packed with preservatives and additives? Sometimes.. I do tend to have my Big Mac craving, which is.. far from natural. However, you won't hear my stomach complaining. And do we like girls who don't wear makeup?? Let me tell you this, GIRLS themselves don't even like not wearing makeup.
In life, do we tend to seek simplicity, or sophistication? And I believe it's a combination of both. We need sophistication in some aspects of life whereas some things are better left simple. A grilled cheese, or PBJ is good because it's simple. However, this blog is available on the internet free of charge for my quick access if say.. I have the sudden urge to jot down some of my thoughts and ideas.
So in the end, having less makes it easy, but having more makes things easier. And it's up to us to find a balance between the two. Sometimes though, we need to slow down and take in the sights and sounds around us. Life traveling at 3 mph is beautiful because you're able to notice and experience things that you wouldn't normally see rushing through full speed. I can honestly say that is probably one of the main reasons I have such difficulty falling asleep every night. That's the one time during the day my mind isn't occupied by someone/something, and is free to wander the depths of my imagination. And I'm sure I'm not alone.
So in the end, having less makes it easy, but having more makes things easier. And it's up to us to find a balance between the two. Sometimes though, we need to slow down and take in the sights and sounds around us. Life traveling at 3 mph is beautiful because you're able to notice and experience things that you wouldn't normally see rushing through full speed. I can honestly say that is probably one of the main reasons I have such difficulty falling asleep every night. That's the one time during the day my mind isn't occupied by someone/something, and is free to wander the depths of my imagination. And I'm sure I'm not alone.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Alternate Universe
Ever wonder what life would be like if you took a different path? Don't worry, I'm not emo/wrist cutter mode or anything, this is just what happens when I have nothing to do and my mind wanders. All I'm saying is think about the magnitude of every action, big or small, that you make. We have to keep in mind that, for instance, eating that cupcake in your hand could be the cupcake that starts your career as a professional cupcake eating champion.
Now think about the past, about things that you did to put you where you are at today. Like for me, I chose to not to apply to UC Irvine. I may have gotten in, maybe not, who knows. But I wouldn't have gone to UC Riverside, I wouldn't have met some cool people, and my life would've been totally different than it is right now. All because I was young and naive and decided against going to a school filled with Asians. This is only a small portion of what a mind trip this is for me.
I mean come on, just think about all the people you know right now, your friends, your enemies, your lovers. You had to have met them somewhere, somehow. Through mutual friends, in class, at the gym, who knows. My point is that you made an effort to get to know them, and now you are acquaintances. Now think about all the people you didn't make an effort in getting to know. That cute girl/guy you saw today that you were too shy to talk to, or the mutual friend you never got around to talking to. A small amount of interaction, and you woulda been amigos with those people. Think about all the people you could've gotten to know.. Crazay
Anyways I don't even know if I'm making any sense, but just know that every thing you do affects how your future turns out. Every person you greet, every goal you meet, every shit you beat, has a role in altering your life.
Time for me to watch LOST or.. not, because by watching LOST my life could turn out very different.. hmm
Now think about the past, about things that you did to put you where you are at today. Like for me, I chose to not to apply to UC Irvine. I may have gotten in, maybe not, who knows. But I wouldn't have gone to UC Riverside, I wouldn't have met some cool people, and my life would've been totally different than it is right now. All because I was young and naive and decided against going to a school filled with Asians. This is only a small portion of what a mind trip this is for me.
I mean come on, just think about all the people you know right now, your friends, your enemies, your lovers. You had to have met them somewhere, somehow. Through mutual friends, in class, at the gym, who knows. My point is that you made an effort to get to know them, and now you are acquaintances. Now think about all the people you didn't make an effort in getting to know. That cute girl/guy you saw today that you were too shy to talk to, or the mutual friend you never got around to talking to. A small amount of interaction, and you woulda been amigos with those people. Think about all the people you could've gotten to know.. Crazay
Anyways I don't even know if I'm making any sense, but just know that every thing you do affects how your future turns out. Every person you greet, every goal you meet, every shit you beat, has a role in altering your life.
Time for me to watch LOST or.. not, because by watching LOST my life could turn out very different.. hmm
Monday, May 17, 2010
so, my blog cherry is popped...
...unless you count xanga? i guess my cherries been popped for a while now. i googled that shiet, that bitch is a blog. pretty wild, we've been blogging all these years and i didn't even know it. never was a huge fan of xanga or blogs but why not? i got mad free time this summer now. i'm pretty tired, so i'll tell more interesting stories another day. just wanted to dust this shiez off
Sunday, May 16, 2010
No More Dinero
I went shopping with my mom yesterday and I saw this Ben Sherman t-shirt that was pretty dope. But it was 30 bucks.. on sale.. I dunno about you but only Royalty spends that much on a freaking t-shirt. So still wanting it today, I harvested my peasant lands, collected enough coins and drove back to Brea to buy it. Luckily for me, they still had it in stock.. or well I don't think anyone else would be as stupid enough as me to buy a t-shirt for 30 bucks. Anyways, here it is. I gotta say, they found a pretty creative way of showing off their various logos.
Friday, May 14, 2010
My First Time
I actually created this blog a few months ago. I thought it was a good idea.. to write about my.. ideas. Anyways, what better way to express and further develop my thoughts than to blog about them. I am however having a tough time figuring out the blogging site and its inner workings, but I'll manage. Trying to figure out how everything works does make me feel old though, I mean back in high school I was up to date with things. It was like:
- Myspace? Check
- Xanga? Check
- AIM? Check
- Kazaa? Checkkkkk it
Nowadays I look at people's links and I'm clueless. It's a constant battle trying to keep up.
- twitter? I'll pretend my fb status update is a twitter
- tumblr? is this a group of traveling circus children?
- blogspot? what is this? oh wait I'm writing on it.
- gchat? fb chat? aim? really? aren't these all the same?
- torrents? check it, I am always up to date with downloading, who buys dvds? oh wait blu-ray?
- flickr? And I'm lost
So people have facebooks to stay in touch with friends. But have twitters to let closer friends about what their doing all day, like "@gangsta4life "Taking a fat dump!!!!!!" I won't even try to explain the rest, because well.. I can't cause I don't know what those things are about.
Anyways this post was basically me explaining to you that I am no longer tech savvy. Hello digital world 2.0!
Who remembers this?
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