Saturday, August 21, 2010

i'm not gunna lie..

.. i barely have anything to write about. i don't consider things that happen in my life interesting enough to warrant a blog entry. i'm no j.k. rowling. i can't twist my simple stories into exciting tales of fiery goblets. what i can -and usually- do is write random ass shiet.

meet my baby chews. he is just about four years old. this is a picture of him i just took as he woke up and has his lil' tongue stickin' out. yesterday he had his tongue sticking out for different reasons. he was horn ballin' it all over my room humping everything that he could wrap his legs around. his nick name is peter north. honestly, for a little yorkie his size, chewy's (peter north's) redonkulous is pretty damn big. like you can't even begin to understand how big it gets when he's horn ballin' it. i'll posts pix of those later

anygays, speaking of having no stories that qualify in having a blog entry, i think i got one! ahem.. okay. one time chewy had this RAGING BONER that was like UNCONTROLLABLE! unfortunately for chewy, it was so massive that even though he wasn't feeling lucky anymore, his Goku couldn't fit back into his sheath. unfortunately for me, i had to fix that.. with my bare hands. honestly, it was like wrestling a 15 ft. anaconda on oil. after trading a few blows and cutting my upper eyelid off due to swelling, i managed to knock his Jackie Chan down on the 9th round.


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