Sunday, September 26, 2010

gogo gadget

Technologic, yes?

What did we ever do before access to the internet? I don't even remember. For example I used to read the LA Times every morning when I ate my cereal, yes even when I was a youngster. I know what your thinking like damn this guy is cultured and book learned and shit. Truth is the only section I read was the Sports section, but still I skimmed other sections and was updated on all things they reported on. My dad still orders the LA Times but I really don't remember the last time I touched it.. yet I am more up to date on sports than ever before.

The internet opens up an entire medium for us, expanding and broadening our perspectives. Don't get me wrong, the LA Times has great writers, but with the internet now I can get views and opinions from like 20 different writers on the same subject. If each has one good point on the matter, I will have left with so much more knowledge than if I had only read the Times.

However, it also opens us up to stupid views and ideas as well. At least if I read that Asians eat a lot of rice in the paper I know it's a credible source. But I mean I could read something on a random site like Asians: Invented Bread and go around telling everyone how awesome it is that my ancestors invented bread and shit like that. Or wait.. I think I will go around telling everyone that Asians did invent bread..

Kids today grow up playing with xbox360's, and iPads. Man I had to play with stupid shit like plastic soldiers and giant lego blocks. Kidding aside though, sometimes I do miss the simpler days. I would sit around with that crazy imagination of mine playing with all my toys. Then I would finish up my awesome play sesh with a fruit by the foot. I wonder what I will allow my kid's to play with when I grow up. Perhaps a stone wheel, topped off with a string.

Well, I blabblered on and on and on. I depart with this message to you, and yes I mean YOU. This was actually my senior book quote from high school, so it's mad deep and inspirational.

"Holy strawberries Batman, we're in a real jam!"

- boomb00m

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