Thursday, November 8, 2012

occasionally, i like to write poetry

ever step in the shoes of those you step on?
felt a poke to the chest where your heart rests on?
perhaps a depression is left when the pressure kept on
or did you lift your leg and just pressed on

some kneed it, some make it
some eat it, some take it

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Weird Confession

Every night before I sleep I always have the need to be doing something. So I develop little habits. Here are the two habits I currently have before I sleep, and please don't laugh.

1. Watch Friends - Even though I have seen every single episode.. twenty times I need to watch at least one episode before I can turn the lights off and attempt to sleep.

2. Instagram - Starting anywhere between 8-10pm everyday I shun instagram like Sarah Palin shuns intelligence. This is so a good amount of interesting pictures posted builds up and I have a bunch to look at when it's time to sleep. Looking at instagram is the last thing I do before I close the eyes.

Well there you have it, my sleeping ritual before going to bed.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


So, I found an essay I wrote during my freshman year in college. Excuse the weak writing but I ain't going to edit it.


Everybody, or at least a good number of people, would like to change at least one thing in their lives, whether it is a physical change or a mental change. I am definitely no exception. If I had the ability to change one thing in my life, I would change the life itself. I would choose a much more simple life where drama would not exist, and that life would have to be the life of a polar bear.

Polar bears, in my humble opinion, have it all. They basically eat and sleep all day. They even get to relax in winter, which is my favorite season of the year, for their whole life. Who needs a cell-phone or a television set when I could get the whole world of snow for myself to explore? It’s basically living the exciting life of the Discovery Channel with no commercials, and I know everybody hates commercials.

Now you’re probably thinking, “Is he serious, a polar bear?” Well, I am to an extent. I really would love their completely relaxed lives. These days, the world revolves around money. Let’s not kid ourselves for a moment: the whole purpose of getting a higher education is to get a higher stack of cash at the end of the day. Most of that cash goes to bills, bills, and more bills anyway. Money, however, is not the only concern in my life that would drive me to become a polar bear.

The biggest problem I would most want to get rid of would have to be that awful thing they call drama. I’m not going to go out of my way and say that my life is awful because of it; I’m sure there are billions of people out there with more problems than me. That, however, is not going to change the fact that I would prefer life without it. I won’t have to worry about petty things like, “Oh my gosh, Brandon just hung up the phone on me. That’s like, oh my gosh, so depressing!” I would no longer have to stress over my education, which ends up involving my parents, which ends up in drama. Being a polar bear would change all of that. The only stress I would have to worry about would be filling my stomach before hibernation.

So what better choice of change is there than to become a polar bear? If that was the essay topic, my essay would be a blank sheet of paper. Without the concerns of money or the worries of drama, it doesn't get much better than that. I still get the luxuries of eating my heart out, rolling around the snow, and raising a fine family of baby polar bears. On top of all that, I will also be sporting the hippest style in the world which would be polar bear fur. So while everyone's topic is probably changing their “C’s” into “A’s," I will be eating fish and relaxing in Alaska, and I would take that over an “A” any day.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


I need to get off my ass and start doing shit. Got so lazy.. I think it's been a trend in my life. I only put enough effort into something to become good or decent at it then I just give up. The things I am great at are just natural talents, like running fast, great hearing, etc. The things I am good at I worked at like swimming or piano but I never wanted to take that extra step to become really good. Maybe that's why Olympians get to the Olympics, they never give up. Well duh.. that was a pretty obvious answer, but what I'm trying to say is that certain people have that willpower and mentality to keep going. I guess that's what you need if you want to succeed. Hopefully I will find it somewhere in me to try to get some of that. Small steps?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just Updating

I am slowly deteriorating cause of Ambien, or so I think I am. Not mentally but doing all the stupid things has sort of affected some of the things in my life. I wake up regretting a lot of things I do, which I can't really explain. I went ahead and did some research.. and what I found out was that it's nothing out of the ordinary. A lot of people do crazy stuff, and a lot of the times none of them have any recollection of doing it. There are a bunch of YouTube videos of people doing crazy things as well. All I know is that it's affected a few things for me, but what I regret most is that I'm sure it's changed the way how some of the people I know look at me. It's sad but I really can't help it, since most of the time it's the Ambien and not me. Why is sleep so hard to come by?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Good Music

What is good music? Is it something that has great meaning behind it's lyrics? Is it.. an auditory masterpiece? Or is it something instrumentally that is unparalleled? I don't really know.

For example, I played piano for.... 8 years? Some of the last pieces by Bach, Chopin I ever played was a culmination of all the years of practice and I put in. Even after 8 years it still took me more than half a year to master these pieces. By master I mean learn it well enough to play from memory to get a good score at my exam. That's 7 to 8 months of breaking the 5-6 pages of music down into sections, learning each section, then playing that entire song thousands of times. And this was only for one piece (song). So if you ask me, I would probably say everything I played is considered good music. I guess because I know how difficult it was to learn, to play. So how talented would you have to be to write something like that?

Musically.. I am not that talented. Even with all my years of piano my sight reading (seeing a piece of music and play it right away) is very mediocre. I am not able to hear something and replicate that sound on the piano either. That said, this is merely what my own opinion of what I think good music is.

And I think Music is whatever is wants to be. And you should just have an open mind about it. If you hear something you like, then that itself is good enough for you. If melodically it appeals to you, then what can you say? However I believe today with all the "electronic" and whatnot people forget there's other music. There's opera, there's entire orchestras, there's.... the blue man group. Don't get me wrong I enjoy some of that electronic music too, but I just hate when people go and say that "this shiets the best ever!!!!!!!!!!!"

Think about it, for hundreds of years people have been singing, violin'n, piano'n, guitar'n, so the culmination of all that music greatly outweighs what's been made electronically recently. There's tons of music out there, better music than what you think is the best thing you ever heard. I bet if you were to travel to a monastery and listen to a bunch of nuns sing in some isolated town in France it would be an experience you weren't able to describe.

Music is whatever is wants to be.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bitches don't know me like dat

Today, I was playing with my dog, Kaede. I realized that when I talk to Kaede, I talk to her like a little baby. Alright, that's putting it lightly... I talk like a little bitch to Kaede.

"d'Awww, gucci gucci, hey dere baby gurrrr!" - elchristobale
"nigga, stop frontin' like a bitch" - kaede

Then it hit me, I've also talked to my prior significant others like that as well.

"d'Awww, gucci gucci, hey dere baby gurrrr!" - elchristobale
"bark bark bark" - Charlize Theron

What does this all mean? Well, after this epiphany of mine, I have reached the conclusion that I treat girls like dogs.

p.s. happy new years and shet