Monday, July 9, 2012

A Weird Confession

Every night before I sleep I always have the need to be doing something. So I develop little habits. Here are the two habits I currently have before I sleep, and please don't laugh.

1. Watch Friends - Even though I have seen every single episode.. twenty times I need to watch at least one episode before I can turn the lights off and attempt to sleep.

2. Instagram - Starting anywhere between 8-10pm everyday I shun instagram like Sarah Palin shuns intelligence. This is so a good amount of interesting pictures posted builds up and I have a bunch to look at when it's time to sleep. Looking at instagram is the last thing I do before I close the eyes.

Well there you have it, my sleeping ritual before going to bed.


  1. i play words with friends, instagram, reddit and then sleep. :D not in that order and not all the time, but i need to do something like that.
