Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cynics/Haters/Assholes No Difference

I've come to realize that there's always people out there that can complain about ANYTHING. I saw this post earlier about some student at Columbia, talking about how a guy came in dropped a bunch of envelopes and left. Inside the envelope was a 50 dollar bill and a simple message to enjoy the gift and to enjoy the simple things in life with your friends and family.

Then I read a few funny comments, but then there's a shitload of lowlifes just bitching how this guy could've helped other people with that money and the last thing you need is to help those rich Columbia students. Wow, seriously? Fuck man why the hell are you complaining about a guy who took his own money to give out to other people. Some people just love to see the glass as half empty, low life sucking maggots these people. Like seriously I still can't believe people who do this. I bet if they read about some bum who got his shit together and finally got off the streets and comments on how he'll be back on the street in no time. Or how he'll just  become a serial killer or something. Why can't you just be happy? Is your miserable little life so bad that you have to send your negative mojo out into the world any chance you get?

People like this piss me off, and to be honest the world is better off filled with wealthy guys who only gave money out to other wealthy people than judgmental bitches. In saying this, I am a pretty judgmental guy and I need to stop hating on people. For instance everytime I'm on facebook scrolling down my news feed this is what's normally going through my head "spoiled, ugly, annoying, that food looks good,  man I hate judgmental religious people, married already?, damn she's hot, hahaha that's funny". I just needa stop hating, so what if some kids got married too young? I should be like GOOD FOR THEM, gives them plenty of time to get divorced...... haha I'm working on it.

Anyways it's late, hopefully I'll write another post before Christmas. I love Christmas.


Monday, December 12, 2011

The Dream

Hi All,

Here is a dream of mine, when I am king of some balla ass country. King Vu will be chilling in his castle of course, but here is his dream.

Lord Vu as they will come to call me will be sitting on a couch, with a lit fireplace as his wench/wife plays this on the piano:

This along with a cup of hot cocoa is what this dream consists of. Just sitting there with the warm fire sipping on my cocoa while listening to this beautiful song, what a life. Variation of Canon, hot cocoa, wench. Call me a dreamer.

Goodnight All,
Lord Vu

Saturday, November 26, 2011


The reason I started a blog however long ago was because I felt I had things I wanted to say. And putting pen to paper (technically speaking) was the best way to say it. Only, I got lazy and none of these thoughts came to fruition. I will try to write more, and hopefully what I write is not stupid.

Anyways, it is fairly late where I can feel the fatigue. Sitting here I noticed a few things while I was browsing facebook. I realized that a lot of people (myself included) don't really know what to do with our lives. However, like all my friends I grew up quite privileged. By privileged I mean we don't have to worry about money as much as other people. I see that a lot of people are going back to school, just because they don't really know what to do. That is a privilege to be able to do that. Don't get me wrong, some are doing it with a goal in mind (doctor, lawyer). I can even say that about myself, because yes I have thought about grad school but only because I don't know what it is I want in life. I don't think about the people who aren't as lucky as us, those who don't even go to college for financial reasons. I didn't grow up in that situation, and neither did any of the people I know so I never think about it - but it's a reality. So for tonight, I want to count my blessings (in a non-religious manner) and to appreciate the life that I have. I guess you shouldn't feel guilty thinking about the person who has more/less than you, but to just take advantage of the opportunities that you already have.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


A coworker of mine today passed away. He was new here, only been here a few months. I never took the time to talk to him, or get to know him really. I kinda regret that now, he seemed like a solid fellow. What hurts the most is that yesterday we had a company lunch, and I sat directly across from him yet didn't say anything to him. And then we left work at the same time and I was just gonna say a simple bye to him but decided not to. I don't really know why I didn't, and I guess I will never get the chance to.

I guess when things like this happen we realize that life is short, and that we may take some things for granted. And we need to appreciate what we have, and who we have in our life. This guy simply had a asthma attack early this morning and couldn't be saved. I really don't know what to say really.. They started a money collection around the office so I'm probably going to go to the bank at lunch and donate what I can. I just wish I gave the guy a friendly 'bye'.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Wassup Motha Fuckers

I came back and realized my man Chris has posted consecutive times and I've been MIA. But here I am bitches, blogging like a boss at work. This post is not going to have any relevance, so continue reading if you want to get educated.

It's Friday, or else this blog would just consist of me softly weeping and screaming bloody murder. But not today, cause today.. IS OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY. Okay not really but who can't love that quote from Independence Day. That shit is deep, and that's what she said.

Anyways in other news in my life, nothing has happened.

Moving on, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with Glen Rice. Who is Glen Rice you ask? Well here is where you get educated. Glen Rice is a former 6 foot 8 African American NBA player. Sarah did the dirty with Mr. Rice when he was a college star playing in some tournament in Alaska. So be careful if you ever run into Sarah Palin, you don't want to catch her jungle fever. That shit ain't no mickey mouse.

Peace out playa,


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 Mejores Canciones, Namsayin?

If I were to die and go to Heaven today... yo who am I kidding? I'm gunna straight up be licking Satan's Almond Joys for the rest of my afterlife. I love Almond Joys. But who's gunna wanna read a pessimistic blog, am I right? JK. I know I'm right, you fucking niggers. Listen, I take that back. I appreciate and respect black people. Watchu know about brownie points, G(od)?

My Top 10 5 songs to die 4:

Jeff Buckley's cover of Hallelujah

Shlohmo's Sippy Cup

Modeselektor's Déboutonner ft. Siriusmo

Shiina Ringo's Onaji Yoru (Shitty sound quality on youtube)

RL GRIME's Die 4 Me

Monday, July 18, 2011

Key to Happiness

I been traveling back and forth the past two weeks from California to Jersey and I've come to the realization that.. life is sad when one is not in Jersey.

Or maybe I just miss the people from Jersey, maybe that's it.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spider-Man, Spider-Man!

There's this little saying floating around, you might have heard of it; "Knowledge is power." Truer words have never been said. Aight, that's a mighty big assumption but work with me here, okay? There's a great majority of people who pursue this power and do great things with it. Unfortunately, I feel that there is a greater majority of people that misuse it as well.

I always stumble upon situations where person A is attacking person B for being ignorant about any given topic. One example I can think of is how citizens of other countries always attack Americans for being ignorant on the current state of the world. Well, I'm not going to lie, I'm one of them. Sure, I'm not helping anybody but I sure as hell am not hurting anybody either. What all these people fail to see is that they are no better than me. They read a few articles and for some reason immediately feel that they are more superior than others.

I believe that just having the knowledge does not make a person, it's how they use it. For example, if you have the cure for cancer, but you're not using it, how are you better than anybody else? If Peter Parker found out about his powers, but instead of saving peoples lives he just sat at home and played Mahjong with all his female, middle-aged, Chinese friends, is he any better than you? Wait... yes? nm, then...

Complaining is silly, either act or forget - Stefan Sagmeister

Monday, May 9, 2011


I guess I'm a hypocrite.. There was a time not too long ago where I didn't like girls who carried expensive purses or were all flashy. Not cause I want to go carrying expensive purses around or anything like that, just that I like nice things too.

This is my problem, I like nice things, but I don't want to seem flashy. I guess I'm kind of like a hipster, but I don't dress like a fucking bum, cause hipster clothes can be pretty damn pricey from what I've seen. For example I'll get a nice shirt, but I don't want any logos or anything on it.. so I'm basically getting it only for my own satisfaction. What the hell..?

Anyways I believe that if you can enjoy something, you shouldn't feel guilty about it. I shouldn't judge no girl rocking some balla purse, cause who am I to say what she does with her money. It's her right, why should I care?!

Basically... all I'm trying to do right now is to justify a really expensive purchase. And I don't want to come off as an ass for getting it, or look like an ass. Well I guess too late for that, might as well get it then.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Slim Fat

I have come to realize that girls who often complain that they are fat and/or need to go to the gym/exercise are actually not fat. However girls that do not complain about being fat are actually fat. I am a genius.

- boomb00m

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Bucket List

I'm gonna take my time on this post, and update whenever I think of something to add to it. And I know that this is a list of realistic things not like winning the lottery or appearing on Oprah.

Here goes, a list of things I would love to do one day:

- Go to Japan/Korea
- Go on a cruise
- Take a racing/driving class
- See Coldplay live
- Sit courtside at a Lakers game
- Live somewhere outside of California, maybe outside of the US? Might be too late already, but maybe when I'm old who knows
- See the Northern Lights or if you wanna get technical aka Aurora Borealis
- Make Pho from scratch
- Chainsaw a tree down.. sorry earth
- Skydive/Cliffdive/Bungee Jump
- Get a puppy (this might actually be the first thing accomplished on this list)
- To Be Continued..

What I've come to realize is that a lot of the things I want to do involves traveling, which means I better save up some cash.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Am I happy? YES I AM

Remember to smile.