Tuesday, November 22, 2011


A coworker of mine today passed away. He was new here, only been here a few months. I never took the time to talk to him, or get to know him really. I kinda regret that now, he seemed like a solid fellow. What hurts the most is that yesterday we had a company lunch, and I sat directly across from him yet didn't say anything to him. And then we left work at the same time and I was just gonna say a simple bye to him but decided not to. I don't really know why I didn't, and I guess I will never get the chance to.

I guess when things like this happen we realize that life is short, and that we may take some things for granted. And we need to appreciate what we have, and who we have in our life. This guy simply had a asthma attack early this morning and couldn't be saved. I really don't know what to say really.. They started a money collection around the office so I'm probably going to go to the bank at lunch and donate what I can. I just wish I gave the guy a friendly 'bye'.

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