Friday, September 16, 2011

Wassup Motha Fuckers

I came back and realized my man Chris has posted consecutive times and I've been MIA. But here I am bitches, blogging like a boss at work. This post is not going to have any relevance, so continue reading if you want to get educated.

It's Friday, or else this blog would just consist of me softly weeping and screaming bloody murder. But not today, cause today.. IS OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY. Okay not really but who can't love that quote from Independence Day. That shit is deep, and that's what she said.

Anyways in other news in my life, nothing has happened.

Moving on, Sarah Palin had a one night stand with Glen Rice. Who is Glen Rice you ask? Well here is where you get educated. Glen Rice is a former 6 foot 8 African American NBA player. Sarah did the dirty with Mr. Rice when he was a college star playing in some tournament in Alaska. So be careful if you ever run into Sarah Palin, you don't want to catch her jungle fever. That shit ain't no mickey mouse.

Peace out playa,


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