Saturday, November 26, 2011


The reason I started a blog however long ago was because I felt I had things I wanted to say. And putting pen to paper (technically speaking) was the best way to say it. Only, I got lazy and none of these thoughts came to fruition. I will try to write more, and hopefully what I write is not stupid.

Anyways, it is fairly late where I can feel the fatigue. Sitting here I noticed a few things while I was browsing facebook. I realized that a lot of people (myself included) don't really know what to do with our lives. However, like all my friends I grew up quite privileged. By privileged I mean we don't have to worry about money as much as other people. I see that a lot of people are going back to school, just because they don't really know what to do. That is a privilege to be able to do that. Don't get me wrong, some are doing it with a goal in mind (doctor, lawyer). I can even say that about myself, because yes I have thought about grad school but only because I don't know what it is I want in life. I don't think about the people who aren't as lucky as us, those who don't even go to college for financial reasons. I didn't grow up in that situation, and neither did any of the people I know so I never think about it - but it's a reality. So for tonight, I want to count my blessings (in a non-religious manner) and to appreciate the life that I have. I guess you shouldn't feel guilty thinking about the person who has more/less than you, but to just take advantage of the opportunities that you already have.

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