Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spider-Man, Spider-Man!

There's this little saying floating around, you might have heard of it; "Knowledge is power." Truer words have never been said. Aight, that's a mighty big assumption but work with me here, okay? There's a great majority of people who pursue this power and do great things with it. Unfortunately, I feel that there is a greater majority of people that misuse it as well.

I always stumble upon situations where person A is attacking person B for being ignorant about any given topic. One example I can think of is how citizens of other countries always attack Americans for being ignorant on the current state of the world. Well, I'm not going to lie, I'm one of them. Sure, I'm not helping anybody but I sure as hell am not hurting anybody either. What all these people fail to see is that they are no better than me. They read a few articles and for some reason immediately feel that they are more superior than others.

I believe that just having the knowledge does not make a person, it's how they use it. For example, if you have the cure for cancer, but you're not using it, how are you better than anybody else? If Peter Parker found out about his powers, but instead of saving peoples lives he just sat at home and played Mahjong with all his female, middle-aged, Chinese friends, is he any better than you? Wait... yes? nm, then...

Complaining is silly, either act or forget - Stefan Sagmeister

1 comment:

  1. Damn confucius up in hurr people be all talk no action. And I will pwn Peter Parker in Mahjong, web slingin dbag.
