Friday, September 26, 2014


I've grown into such a hateful person. I find myself judging people far too often. Any picture I see, any comment I come across that isn't to my liking is dismissed as stupid. Who am I to judge someone for what they do? Why do I even care? It is their lives and they can do as they like.

Like the phone app instagram is just a giant filter of cool/stupid for me. Scrolling through my feed is just my brain going cool-cool-stupid-stupid-cool-stupid. What got me thinking about this was all the gym pictures people take. My thought process was why do people always posts pictures of themselves at the gym? I guess personally I don't see going to the gym as an achievement whereas these people do. And so what do I do? Take a shit on their achievements. Maybe it is stupid, like who fucking cares you worked out. You should be exercising anyways, you could lose a few pounds. Yea maybe there is some truth behind my thoughts. But I could take any pictures I have posted and complain about the same things. Like who fucking cares you ate that cheeseburger.

I should realize that instagram, and well pretty much anything is just a way for a person to express themselves. Them expressing themselves doesn't hurt me in any way. Well maybe it does (what have I lost my spine?), but I should learn to become more tolerant and just let things go. I guess that can be applied to everything in life. Take a moment, take a deep breathe, and just relax. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. :) I think in our tech driven society its easy to judge. It takes a good person to realize its not okay and to try to work on it.
