Monday, May 31, 2010

happy memorial day..

... bitches and hoes! i'm gunna be honest, i have no idea what i'm going to write in this post. i just felt i've been lacking participation in this blog. dan's posts are always so poetic and cohesive while i'm here just writing random shiet that has no significance or won't make you think about it after you're done reading. but who knows, maybe i'll find something interesting to talk about..

hmm.. why not talk about memorial day? just kidding, i don't care about the rich historical context of holidays. i'm that dude that don't care about much, thus, my lack of things to talk about. i digress. hah, i just wanted to use that one day to sound like a smarty pants. i can't even digress if i wanted to, i don't even have a topic or any direction going for this post.

i was going to post some pics of my latest artworks and sheez but i think i lost my flash drive/thumb drive/jump drive. catch what i'm saying? maybe i can get it from muh skoo if.. i ... just .. remote access... the lab computers... and.. just a little more..

well there you have it. this is the poster that i slaved on for days upon days with constant revisions. i personally like it, it's an overdose of simplicity. i have other stuff but, those need to be scanned or snip snapped. perhaps another day when i'm not a complete bum, i'll put up some more stuff.

i'm trying really hard to write more stuff so i can have enough words to match the length of this picture but damn, i just want to end this post already (edit: things came out a lot dif from the preview..). hmm hmmm hmm.. well i'm about to eat some motha fuckin' hot fritos. imported directly from the motherland. i mean california. new jersey just don't got the demographic to handle spicy chips. motha chupa cabras.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Everything is better when its au naturale, right? Do we enjoy food thats natural, or packed with preservatives and additives? Sometimes.. I do tend to have my Big Mac craving, which is.. far from natural. However, you won't hear my stomach complaining. And do we like girls who don't wear makeup?? Let me tell you this, GIRLS themselves don't even like not wearing makeup.
In life, do we tend to seek simplicity, or sophistication? And I believe it's a combination of both. We need sophistication in some aspects of life whereas some things are better left simple. A grilled cheese, or PBJ is good because it's simple. However, this blog is available on the internet free of charge for my quick access if say.. I have the sudden urge to jot down some of my thoughts and ideas.
So in the end, having less makes it easy, but having more makes things easier. And it's up to us to find a balance between the two. Sometimes though, we need to slow down and take in the sights and sounds around us. Life traveling at 3 mph is beautiful because you're able to notice and experience things that you wouldn't normally see rushing through full speed. I can honestly say that is probably one of the main reasons I have such difficulty falling asleep every night. That's the one time during the day my mind isn't occupied by someone/something, and is free to wander the depths of my imagination. And I'm sure I'm not alone.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Alternate Universe

Ever wonder what life would be like if you took a different path? Don't worry, I'm not emo/wrist cutter mode or anything, this is just what happens when I have nothing to do and my mind wanders. All I'm saying is think about the magnitude of every action, big or small, that you make. We have to keep in mind that, for instance, eating that cupcake in your hand could be the cupcake that starts your career as a professional cupcake eating champion.

Now think about the past, about things that you did to put you where you are at today. Like for me, I chose to not to apply to UC Irvine. I may have gotten in, maybe not, who knows. But I wouldn't have gone to UC Riverside, I wouldn't have met some cool people, and my life would've been totally different than it is right now. All because I was young and naive and decided against going to a school filled with Asians. This is only a small portion of what a mind trip this is for me.

I mean come on, just think about all the people you know right now, your friends, your enemies, your lovers. You had to have met them somewhere, somehow. Through mutual friends, in class, at the gym, who knows. My point is that you made an effort to get to know them, and now you are acquaintances. Now think about all the people you didn't make an effort in getting to know. That cute girl/guy you saw today that you were too shy to talk to, or the mutual friend you never got around to talking to. A small amount of interaction, and you woulda been amigos with those people. Think about all the people you could've gotten to know.. Crazay

Anyways I don't even know if I'm making any sense, but just know that every thing you do affects how your future turns out. Every person you greet, every goal you meet, every shit you beat, has a role in altering your life. 

Time for me to watch LOST or.. not, because by watching LOST my life could turn out very different.. hmm


Monday, May 17, 2010

so, my blog cherry is popped...

...unless you count xanga? i guess my cherries been popped for a while now. i googled that shiet, that bitch is a blog. pretty wild, we've been blogging all these years and i didn't even know it. never was a huge fan of xanga or blogs but why not? i got mad free time this summer now. i'm pretty tired, so i'll tell more interesting stories another day. just wanted to dust this shiez off

Sunday, May 16, 2010

No More Dinero

I went shopping with my mom yesterday and I saw this Ben Sherman t-shirt that was pretty dope. But it was 30 bucks.. on sale.. I dunno about you but only Royalty spends that much on a freaking t-shirt. So still wanting it today, I harvested my peasant lands, collected enough coins and drove back to Brea to buy it. Luckily for me, they still had it in stock.. or well I don't think anyone else would be as stupid enough as me to buy a t-shirt for 30 bucks. Anyways, here it is. I gotta say, they found a pretty creative way of showing off their various logos.


Friday, May 14, 2010

My First Time

I actually created this blog a few months ago. I thought it was a good idea.. to write about my.. ideas. Anyways, what better way to express and further develop my thoughts than to blog about them. I am however having a tough time figuring out the blogging site and its inner workings, but I'll manage. Trying to figure out how everything works does make me feel old though, I mean back in high school I was up to date with things. It was like:
  • Myspace? Check
  • Xanga? Check
  • AIM? Check
  • Kazaa? Checkkkkk it 
Nowadays I look at people's links and I'm clueless. It's a constant battle trying to keep up.
  • twitter? I'll pretend my fb status update is a twitter
  • tumblr? is this a group of traveling circus children?
  • blogspot? what is this? oh wait I'm writing on it.
  • gchat? fb chat? aim? really? aren't these all the same?
  • torrents? check it, I am always up to date with downloading, who buys dvds? oh wait blu-ray?
  • flickr? And I'm lost
So people have facebooks to stay in touch with friends. But have twitters to let closer friends about what their doing all day, like "@gangsta4life "Taking a fat dump!!!!!!" I won't even try to explain the rest, because well.. I can't cause I don't know what those things are about.

Anyways this post was basically me explaining to you that I am no longer tech savvy. Hello digital world 2.0!

Who remembers this?