Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our Swagz

It's funny how growing up, we all try to wear what everyones wearing to be cool. Then we shift on to nicer brands, nicer clothes. And now, what's cool isn't cool? Suddenly what everyones wearing is NOT cool and blazing a different path is the cool thing. Hm.. very interesting.

So it's like when we're little, being different was horrible. You did NOT want to be that kid that didn't fit in. You had to die for Nikes since everyone was wearing Nikes but you ended up with Reeboks, ouch. Now that we're grown up though, since everyone has Nikes, Nikes would be lame as hell and you rather have the Reeboks.

But.. is going out and doing your own thang, really doing your own thang? For all we know, when we grow up, we will have to wear what all the appropriate mommy and daddy clothes, cause that would be the cool thing to do. Imagine your a mom and all the other mom's are wearing very conservative clothing but instead you say fuck it and instead choose to go with the short skirt and cut off tank top. Oh how your kids will be tormented by their peers.. Or your the dad that dresses like a kid, while all the other dad's are rockin casual dress shirts and polos. Uh oh.

I just find it interesting all the trends we go through, and even your current choice of trend will probably change soon enough. I'm curious if any of those goth or punk kids ever look back and think to themselves how awesome they once dressed.

Woof woof!


Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Date w/ Fate

So I was walking to my room the other week, and I had a crumpled receipt in my hand. As I reached my door, a great idea came to me, I will make a wish and then proceed to shoot this receipt into my trash can on the other side of the room. I mean this is serious business, I'm not gonna tell you what I wished for but it ain't no Mickey Mouse son. Ain't no Mickey Mouse. Anyways, so I shot it, missed pretty bad.. and it hit the top of my chair, bounced a few times, and fell into the trash can.

I was.... so amazed at what just occurred. What does this mean?!? It must be meant to be. Btw I wished for..

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pure Imagination

So I don't know if you noticed, but at the bottom of this blog in bold letters is "Pure Imagination" and the lines "come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination." Well if you haven't noticed scroll down and take a look. That was one of the first things I wrote when I started this blogger jazz. I knew it sounded familiar when I saw it in an AT&T commercial.

Well, check out the videos below to see where I got it from, if you don't know by now.

Doesn't hearing that just make you happy?


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Un Gato Pantalones Me Gusta

I know, my Spanish is deadly, fear it. Anyways, this blog now has a total of 5 followers. I mean two of them are Me and Chris, but thats cause we so coo we can be fans of our own work. Me and Chris are like celebrity status now, pretty soon we're gonna look to adopt a child from a third world country and name him Cash Money.

Besides all that madness, what do I feel like blogging about today? I don't know, except I do know, and that's because I know you know what I know, and what I know that you know that I know is this..

Bazinga! Sorry I'm pretty beat.. and my mind shit out awhile ago. I do however wanted to dedicated this very personal blog to our numba one fan Ms. Naiching Liu.

And in her honor:

Chuck is the best show, watch it. Do it. Goodbye, and farewell.


Sunday, June 6, 2010


so instead of lookin' for jobs, i be hurr writing another blog entry. shiet, i wished this blog was bumpin' where google wants to riddle us with advertisement. after working for apple yo, my standards for applying to places have been shifted too high. on top of that, i be one lazy ass dude. all i do these days is find new music and zap zap with muh boo, d vu. i can do that for the rest of my life. but enough about me, what about you? fuck you, i don't care. i know yo, i got mad jokes, my b.

ima spice this joint up with the arts. i had to stare at a few art pieces for half an hour and then write about my deep and profound experiences with it. i'm not much of an art lovin' huxtable, i just like doing shit for my own pleasures. but i found this shiz right here pretty coo. it's by jen stark.

i think it's pretty tight. i like stuff thats super simple but has complexity, nah mean? ima hook up some muzaq, too. right now, i be loving this dude Bullion. he makes beats hot like fire. my music taste ain't very commercial friendly, but i like what i like yah heard? check this dude out.

Friday, June 4, 2010


I had a whole post written on what my plans are for the next few weeks, but I decided it's irrelevant. This is just to remind myself to do it. DO IT, for me to finally take things seriously. And no, this doesn't concern a girl.. if that's what your thinking this is more of a personal decision. I am.. going to come out of the closet, justtt kidddddd I did that years ago. Anyways, to the millions of fans reading this, wish me luck, give me strength, and hope for the best. And no I am not homosexual, not that there's anything wrong with that, but I sure am homosexual for my main man Chris Cao (who by the way is the co-author of this awesome blog).
