Wednesday, April 10, 2013


People foreign and of whom speak with accents in English give it the extra umph.

I have come to realize that when you want added.. how do I put this.. dramatic effect. When you want something to be deeper and more emotional, you get someone with an accent to say it. Now I'm not saying a straight up Fob will make me quiver. I'm saying people who have mastered the English language, yet still speak with an accent just makes it that much more better. Better!!! Am I crazy to think the best way to speak English is to have a non English native speak it?! Case in point, example #1:

Boom Ken Watanabe makes shit sound so dramatic. I would take him more seriously then Tom Cruise that's for sure.

Now for example #2:
Fucking Javier Bardem.. now isn't that some Evil ass shit? There has to be a reason every single villian in James Bond has never been an American... yet all speak English?! Cause foreigners make the English language sound so much better.

Just a random thought I just wanted to share. I know it's random but damn.. it's true.

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