Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Work Life

I've come to realize something about work. Personally for me I work as a means to an end. I work so I can do things aka make money so I can spend it. I don't love.. Nor do I hate it. But if I had the choice I would rather not do it. I am slightly motivated and I do okay.

Now I know people who work a lot. I don't think they have the same mentality as myself. They are extremely motivated and work a ton. Long hours and going the extra mile are the norm.

That would never be me. I clock in and clock out. I have no desire to work more than I have to. But that brings up a question.. Do you work to live life? Or do you live to work?

And so it is hard for me to wrap my head around the workaholic mentality. Like why.. Are you working so much? Life is supposed to be enjoyed. It's supposed to be experienced through other windows besides the one in your office. What is the point of putting all those long hours if you can't even enjoy the fruits of your labor.

I believe working a lot is a little selfish. Even if it's to provide your family a better life, a better life would be spending time with you. You have no time for your friends or family and in that aspect I believe that it is selfish. You think about yourself above all others which isn't necessarily bad but there are times where you should think of others before yourself. I can say that even for me I can be selfish in that aspect. And in my time off I should spend it with those who care about me, because they make time for me and I should return the favor.

Maybe they enjoy what they do. But not for me. I enjoy living my life outside of work. I refuse to make work my life.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Fast n Furious

I took my car to the racetrack yesterday and I don't think I can say I've had such an exciting experience before. Driving to the edge of the limits of my car, trying to push it as hard as possible, and just doing everything in your power not to lose control.
