Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cynics/Haters/Assholes No Difference

I've come to realize that there's always people out there that can complain about ANYTHING. I saw this post earlier about some student at Columbia, talking about how a guy came in dropped a bunch of envelopes and left. Inside the envelope was a 50 dollar bill and a simple message to enjoy the gift and to enjoy the simple things in life with your friends and family.

Then I read a few funny comments, but then there's a shitload of lowlifes just bitching how this guy could've helped other people with that money and the last thing you need is to help those rich Columbia students. Wow, seriously? Fuck man why the hell are you complaining about a guy who took his own money to give out to other people. Some people just love to see the glass as half empty, low life sucking maggots these people. Like seriously I still can't believe people who do this. I bet if they read about some bum who got his shit together and finally got off the streets and comments on how he'll be back on the street in no time. Or how he'll just  become a serial killer or something. Why can't you just be happy? Is your miserable little life so bad that you have to send your negative mojo out into the world any chance you get?

People like this piss me off, and to be honest the world is better off filled with wealthy guys who only gave money out to other wealthy people than judgmental bitches. In saying this, I am a pretty judgmental guy and I need to stop hating on people. For instance everytime I'm on facebook scrolling down my news feed this is what's normally going through my head "spoiled, ugly, annoying, that food looks good,  man I hate judgmental religious people, married already?, damn she's hot, hahaha that's funny". I just needa stop hating, so what if some kids got married too young? I should be like GOOD FOR THEM, gives them plenty of time to get divorced...... haha I'm working on it.

Anyways it's late, hopefully I'll write another post before Christmas. I love Christmas.


Monday, December 12, 2011

The Dream

Hi All,

Here is a dream of mine, when I am king of some balla ass country. King Vu will be chilling in his castle of course, but here is his dream.

Lord Vu as they will come to call me will be sitting on a couch, with a lit fireplace as his wench/wife plays this on the piano:

This along with a cup of hot cocoa is what this dream consists of. Just sitting there with the warm fire sipping on my cocoa while listening to this beautiful song, what a life. Variation of Canon, hot cocoa, wench. Call me a dreamer.

Goodnight All,
Lord Vu